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  • This will improve your developer productivity. πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€

This will improve your developer productivity. πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€

Methods, Setup and Tools to make you a 10x better developer

This edition is a direct playbook on developer productivity, focusing solely on the development tools I've integrated into my stack.

⛳️ Contents


Tools don’t make you, but they do make you better.

I firmly embrace this philosophy when setting up my development environment. At the start of my career, I was unaware of the various development tools available and often did things the hard way. However, every so often, I would meet a fellow developer who introduced me to a slick, new tool that made me wonder, "Why didn't I know about this before?" and lament, "Gosh, I wasted so much time doing things the hard way!" Since those eye-opening encounters, I have explored numerous tools, incorporating those that significantly enhance my development stack and expedite my application development process. Don’t just blindly add these tools; do your own research (DYOR) and make informed decisions. I have also included dive deeper links to learn more about these resources.

πŸ”£ Methods


Allocating fixed time periods to tasks can prevent tasks from becoming indefinite. This method helps in maintaining focus and managing workload efficiently. Time boxing requires one to divide the time they spend into 2 categories - Planning and Execution. In the planning mode you simply plan your week / day out assigning a fix time for each task. You can do this by putting tasks on your calendar and setting all distraction away when working on them. This method helps you manage workloads and deadlines more effectively, encouraging focus, quick decision-making, and regular progress assessments.

My Timeboxing method using TickTick

Pomodoro Technique

This popular time management method involves working in 25-minute blocks, separated by five-minute breaks. It's excellent for maintaining concentration and avoiding burnout. Over time you can also change the block period to be higher if you can maintain the focus. But the main intent is to have distraction free period of productivity whether you working on solving a bug or creating a new UI.

Pomodoro Method using TickTick App.

Stop Guessing

Stop Guessing is an idea of not trying to solve problem by brute-force rather breaking down the problem into first principles and then derive the best solution. I discovered this problem solving technique in the book Stop Guessing by Nat Greene. Over time this method has helped me solve many complex problems.

Cheat Sheet from the book Stop Guessing.

The Linear Method

Linear Method is an opinionated software building method that is heavily connected with the application linear.app. The key principles of the Linear Method include being opinionated, creating momentum rather than sprinting, maintaining meaningful direction, aiming for clarity, and keeping things simple first before adding more power.

πŸ–₯️ Setup Steps

Step 1 - Setup IDE

An Integrated Development Environment (IDE) is a software application that provides comprehensive facilities to computer programmers for software development. An IDE typically combines a code editor, debugger, and build automation tools into a single graphical user interface (GUI). By integrating these tools, an IDE simplifies the development process, reduces setup time, and helps manage complex projects efficiently. This streamlined environment boosts developer productivity by enabling faster coding, immediate error detection and resolution, and simplifying code deployment. My IDE has integration to all the Setup steps below so through built in features or by installing additional plugins so that I don’t need to switch between multiple tools.

Step 2 - Use Version Control

Version control is a system that records changes to a file or set of files over time, allowing multiple users to collaborate on the same project without interfering with each other's work. It enables developers to revert files back to a previous state, compare changes over time, and merge updates from multiple branches efficiently. By managing different versions and branches of code, version control systems like Git facilitate seamless collaboration among team members, regardless of their location. This helps prevent conflicts, reduces errors, and speeds up the development process, significantly boosting developer productivity.

Here are some best practices -

  1. Commit Often, Push Regularly: Keep your progress secure and share updates frequently.

  2. Write Meaningful Commit Messages: Clearly describe what was changed and why.

  3. Use Branches: Isolate development work to avoid disrupting the main codebase.

  4. Adhere to a Workflow: Follow a standardized workflow like Git Flow to manage changes efficiently.

  5. Perform Code Reviews: Use pull requests for peer review before merging.

  6. Keep the Commit History Clean: Use rebase to maintain a clear history before merging.

  7. Tag Releases: Mark release points with tags for easy version tracking.

  8. Ignore Unnecessary Files: Utilize .gitignore to exclude non-essential files.

  9. Secure Sensitive Data: Avoid committing sensitive information, use environment variables instead.

  10. Keep Up to Date: Regularly pull and rebase to minimize merge conflicts.

Step 3 - Setup Docker

Docker is a containerization platform that packages applications with their dependencies into containers, ensuring consistent operation across different environments. This helps eliminate the "it works on my machine" problem and streamlines development, testing, and production setups. By reducing setup times and environmental conflicts, Docker enhances developer productivity and simplifies software deployment and scaling.

Step 4- Setup Debugger

A debugger is a tool that helps developers identify and fix errors in their code by allowing them to execute programs step-by-step, inspect variable values, and control program execution flow. By providing the means to pause and inspect the state of an application at specific points, debuggers make it easier to understand how code behaves and where it goes wrong. This precision in tracking down bugs reduces the time spent on trial-and-error testing and accelerates the development process. Overall, a debugger significantly boosts developer productivity by streamlining the process of diagnosing and correcting software issues.

Preview links are URLs that allow developers and stakeholders to view real-time changes to a web application or site in a live, hosted environment before the changes are merged into the production branch. This feature, often integrated into continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) workflows, enables immediate feedback and testing across different devices and platforms. By providing a direct glimpse of how new features, fixes, or updates will appear and function, preview links help catch issues early, enhance collaboration among team members, and streamline the feedback process. This functionality reduces the iteration time on projects, thus boosting developer productivity and accelerating project timelines.

βš’οΈ Tools


TickTick is a task management and to-do list app that helps individuals and teams organize their work and personal tasks effectively. It allows users to create tasks, set deadlines, prioritize items, and categorize them into different lists or projects. TickTick also offers features like reminders, calendars, and habit-tracking tools to help users stay on top of their commitments. TickTick is specifically great for 2 things mentioned in methods section, i.e. Time boxing and Pomodoro.


Linear is a project management and issue tracking tool designed specifically for software development teams. It streamlines workflow by providing an intuitive interface, where tasks can be easily created, assigned, and managed. This tool enhances developer productivity by automating repetitive tasks, integrating seamlessly with other development tools, and enabling teams to focus on coding rather than managing project logistics. Additionally, Linear provides real-time updates and analytics, helping teams track progress and identify bottlenecks quickly.


Miro for Development Diagramming

Diagrams are crucial for developers because they provide a visual representation of complex systems, facilitating better understanding, communication, and planning of software architecture and processes. Miro is an online collaborative whiteboarding platform that allows teams to create, share, and iterate on diagrams in real time. This tool enhances developer productivity by enabling clearer communication, streamlined workflows, and more efficient collaboration across teams, especially in remote or distributed environments. By providing a shared space for visual thinking and planning, Miro helps teams align on project goals and details, reducing misunderstandings and increasing efficiency.

WebStorm for JS and PyCharm for Python

My WebStorm Setup with all tools integration

My PyCharm Setup with Jupyter Notebook and Database Tool

WebStorm is optimized for JavaScript and frontend development, offering powerful support for JavaScript frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue.js. It improves developer productivity by providing intelligent code completion, real-time error detection, powerful navigation, and refactoring tools. The IDE also integrates with build tools and version control systems, automates routine tasks, and supports debugging and testing, which accelerates the development of web applications.

PyCharm is designed for Python development, offering comprehensive tools for Python programmers, including frameworks like Django, Flask, and Pyramid. It enhances productivity by providing smart code navigation, auto-completion, and sophisticated refactoring tools. Additionally, PyCharm includes support for scientific tools like Jupyter Notebooks, Anaconda, and data science libraries, making it invaluable for both web development and data science projects. Built-in tools for debugging, testing, and profiling help developers write high-quality code more efficiently.

Github Copilot

GitHub Copilot is an AI-powered tool integrated within coding environments like Webstorm, designed to assist developers by suggesting code and snippets in real-time as they type. It leverages OpenAI's Codex model to understand context and generate predictive coding options that match user intent, based on comments or the existing code. Copilot can automate repetitive coding tasks, reduce syntactical errors, and help developers quickly explore different coding approaches. The recently added Chat feature not only speeds up the coding process but also enhances learning, thereby boosting overall developer productivity and reducing development time by conversing with the code.

Vercel Preview

Vercel is a cloud platform for static sites and Serverless Functions that provides real-time collaboration and preview capabilities through deployment previews. Each time you push changes to a branch, Vercel automatically creates a unique, live preview URL of your changes, accessible to team members and stakeholders. This feature allows for instant feedback on web project updates, enabling developers and designers to iterate quickly and ensure that new features look and function as intended before going live. Vercel previews boost developer productivity by facilitating faster iterations, reducing the feedback loop, and streamlining the development process of web applications.


Ngrok is a tool that allows developers to expose local servers to the internet, creating secure tunnels to localhost. This is particularly useful for testing web applications, demonstrating developments in real-time, and collaborating on projects with remote teams or clients. By enabling instant public access to locally hosted applications, ngrok facilitates quick feedback and simplifies the process of integrating and testing with external systems and APIs. Overall, ngrok enhances developer productivity by streamlining the process of sharing developments and testing in real-world conditions without deployment.


Postman is a popular API (Application Programming Interface) development tool that helps developers design, test, document, and monitor APIs. By providing a user-friendly interface to send requests, view responses, and automate testing, Postman simplifies the process of working with APIs. It allows developers to quickly create and save simple or complex HTTP/s requests, along with reading responses. This tool enhances developer productivity by streamlining API testing, reducing the time it takes to validate API behavior, and ensuring reliable integration with other services.


In conclusion, this guide has outlined the essential elements of my personal development setup, which I believe are beneficial for any developer. Many of these tools are available for free, offering exceptional value, and I encourage considering their premium versions for even greater functionality. The overarching message is clear: the right tools can profoundly enhance developer productivity by optimizing workflows, automating mundane tasks, and improving team collaboration. We've explored various strategies, setup procedures, and specific tools designed to make developers more efficient and effective. I trust that you found this edition valuable in elevating your development productivity. Is there any tool that you use that improves productivity, let me know in reply.

Thanks for reading.
Have a productive week

β˜•οΈ Who wants a coffee ? I am listening.

Your feedback helps me improve this edition. If you have any feedback or question for me, just reply back to this email and I will buy you a coffee.


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